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Yorktown : A compendious account of the campaign of the allied French and American forces, r... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175891990 List Price: $18.75
Discourse on the Death of Gen Joseph K F Mansfield, Preached in the South Congregational Chu... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175909039 List Price: $15.75
Report on American Histories by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175980205 List Price: $15.75
Speech of the Hon Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, Delivered Before the Political Friends of Ho... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176000629 List Price: $15.75
Speeches of J B Foraker, 1869-1917 by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176023253 List Price: $46.75
Upon the Electrical Experiments to Determine the Location of the Bullet in the Body of the L... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176010796 List Price: $17.75
Christian Duty Three Discourses Delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church of Ph... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176061804 List Price: $16.75
Reply to the Sequel of Hon Horace Mann, Being a Supplement to the Bible, the Rod, and Religi... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176088917 List Price: $17.75
Remarks on a Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed : During the Ame... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176089006 List Price: $17.75
What I Know about Horace Greeley's Secession, War and Diplomatic Record : A letter written (... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176098480 List Price: $14.75
New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York, with Chronological Dat by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781176091948 List Price: $17.75
Proceedings and Speeches at the Public Dinner Given to James W Gerard Esq , by the Bar of Ne... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781177181129 List Price: $17.75
Letters respecting a book "dropped from the catalogue" of the American Sunday School Union, ... by Lewis Tappan, YA Pamphlet C... ISBN: 9781178886719 List Price: $15.75
How New York Is Governed Frauds of the Tammany Democrats by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781175706164 List Price: $14.75
Memorials of John Pitkin Norton, Late Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry, in... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781179199214 List Price: $19.75
The legislative career of Justin S. Morrill: an address delivered at New Haven, Connecticut,... by George Washington Atherton,... ISBN: 9781179633725 List Price: $15.75
National Celebration of Union Victories by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781151679505 List Price: $16.14
Prison Reform in the United States; Proceedings of a Conference Held at Newport, Rhode Islan... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9780217201230 List Price: $12.65
Boston Courier Report of the Union Meeting in Faneuil Hall, Thursday, Dec. 8th, 1859 Phonogr... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781153448017 List Price: $20.00
Book of the Prophet Stephen, Son of Douglas. Wherein Marvellous Things Are Foretold of the R... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781153447447 List Price: $20.00
List of the committees of the Great central fair for the U.S. sanitary commission. Held in P... by YA Pamphlet Collection DLC ISBN: 9781175597496 List Price: $17.75
An Address by Charles Francis Adams, YA P... ISBN: 9781115880275 List Price: $18.99
No Treason in Civil War by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781174762833 List Price: $15.75
Review of the Decade 1857-67 by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781174931635 List Price: $15.75
Sheep upon the Upland Cotton Fields, and Some Other Matters an Address Prepared for Submissi... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781174930010 List Price: $15.75
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